Thursday 18 May 2017

Carrot cakes

I have been busy making lots of carrot cakes bases, I then cooked these so they would be easier to hold whilst icing.  It's so much easier like this don't know why I didn't do it earlier.

I use a plant propagator to keep the cakes free from dust if I have to leave them out.

I use this upside down glass container to stick the cakes to whilst I texture them prior to baking. This is done with a needle tool a toothbrush and a pin, roughing up the surface to look like crumbs. At this stage the clay is warm and sticky so adheres well to the glass. This makes it easier to get to all areas of the cake without accidentally squashing it. I then cook the cakes and when they are cool I add more icing and press carrots into it. See below for carrot making.....

I roll out tiny little balls which I then press and roll at one end so it forms a tiny carrot.

These cakes are ready for rebaking to set the icing. The icing acts like glue and firmly holds the carrots in place. I have also sprinkled pastel dust prior to baking to simulate coloured sugar or spices.

Tada!!! Two carrot cakes finished. 

This was my next experiment withe carrot cakes blanks. I covered them in icing around the edges only and rolled them in pre baked sprinkles ( thin logs of clay baked and chopped finely) I then iced the top and added coloured balls (fondant balls) and chocolate stars and buttons. Looks like a totally different cake.

What next for the remaining cakes.....?

Thursday 30 March 2017


'Today I am making little peach tarts to go in my cake tin. I used Super Sculpey sculpturing compound for the pastry as I had a huge block of it to use up. It's a little different in texture to Sculpey 3 so hope I can still get good results.

After lining a pastry tin with the pasty I first also lined the pie with scrap clay which is a little darker than the peaches. I then cut rough peach shapes by making a ball and cutting it into segments. The clay could probably done with resting in the freezer as it distorted easily but I figured this wouldn't show under the glaze. The glaze was made by mixing pastels shavings with Liquid Fimo.

I added the glaze with a pointy tool generously coating it.

The top was made by weaving thin strips of clay.

These were then coloured with pastel shavings and pressed onto the pie. I carefully cut a slice of pie and added extra glaze to the pie dish to look like sauce oozing out. 

Saturday 11 March 2017

Today I am making carrot cake. I started by mixing orange and flesh and light brown clay roughly. Carrot cake has quite a few tones in it so didn't mix the colours thoroughly so,they would all show.The circles for the cake are 2cm in diameter and I cut 4 to make a taller cake. 

All the cake slices were brushed with powdered pastel with a brush to simulate the baked look and a slice cut out of each, I cut this before assembling the cake otherwise the icing would squeeze out (I found this out the hard way!!!)

I iced each cake layer separately to avoid squashing the icing out. The edges of the cake were textured with scrunched up foil,and a needle tool, to resemble crumbs. I assembled the cake and added tiny tiny carrots. Tada!!!

Friday 10 March 2017

This is my tiny little online cake tin where I will be showcasing all the polymer cakes I have been making. It will be a way of collecting all my pictures together and charting my progress as I develop my skills.